Friday, November 14, 2008

Park This, Bitch!

So, I get into my car the other day to head to work. It's still dark when I leave home these days, what with the stupid time change and all. I come home from work, once again in the dark. This goes on for a few days. Then, I decide I need to go out to lunch. You know, actually leave the office to go somewhere ... away. When I approach my car I notice a nice, huge-ass dent in the driver side door!!

Now, I'm not talking about a small door ding. Nope!! It's a big frickin' dent! This pisses me off for three reasons:

1) What the fuck is wrong with people that they don't leave a damn note when they fuck up your car? It's obvious their car also incurred some damage ... I'm sure they'll file a claim and say it happened when they weren't around. Either that or they don't have insurance.

2) When and where the hell did this happen?? My awake in the daylight hours are all spent in a damn building!! All my free time during the week occurs IN THE DARK!!!

3) Why am I so upset? It's just a damn car! It still works fine and I feel like a shallow bitch for giving a damn about having a dent in my door when some people don't even know where their next meal is coming from!! Meanwhile ... here I sit feeling upset about a stupid dent in my car door.

So, these are the thoughts that are monopolizing my time right now. Sigh ...


Anonymous said...

People are assholes. I recently found a dent in my car door, too. And a large scratch, although I know the scratch came from my son's bike. Don't know who dented it, though! Also, someone broke into my camper and stole a bunch of stuff...between the stuff that's missing and the damage it's in the thousands of dollars. :-/

MJ said...

I have a good one for you. I work at a bank and a lady who makes deposits for a church came in. When she left I watched her knock the side mirror off of a car. She gets out and checks her car and then leaves! No note or anything. I almost left a note telling who did it but my boss said stay out of it. This is someone from a church!