Friday, March 21, 2008

The Mother

I've had scheduled the 20th and 21st of March off for some time now. Everyone knew about it. Friends, family, work. I told my mother repeatedly about this and that it was my own personal time off. I wanted no contact with other living beings unless I decided to do the contacting. Two days for me, me, me! Right ...

Yesterday morning, my cell phone rang at 6:00. When I looked at the caller i.d. it said, "mom" ... I didn't answer. Two minutes later it rang again. "Mom" ... again. I didn't answer, if it were an emergency, I'm certain she would leave a message. So, I crawled back into bed for a bit more sleep when ... RING ... the land line. I stumbled out of bed and looked at caller i.d. and confirmed it was my mother ... one more time.

Now, many of you may be wondering why I wouldn't answer the phone when it was obvious that it must be important. Why would someone call at such an early hour ... repeatedly ... unless it were an emergency. Right? HELL NO!!! Having been my mother's child for, oh, what has it been now ... ? FOREVER! I know that she waits for me to have days off and then begins begging me to come see her. I don't want to.

I never spoke to her yesterday, nor did she leave a message. Don't worry though, the story continues. This morning, around 6:30, she called my cell again. Why didn't I turn it on? Why, why, why, why? Because I am an idiot. It was my mother, I didn't answer. What I did do was proceed to call my significant other to bitch about it ... oh, but no, that cell phone was turned off. So I ranted a bit in the message and rolled over to try some more sleep on for size.

RING! Damn it!! I answer, "HELLO!?!?!?" It's the mother. She wants to know why I sound so grumpy and what time I work. I scream that she's known about this for over a week, I was off yesterday and am off again today. "I forgot", says she. "Why do you have to scream, you know I have memory problems. You know how that scares me so, especially after your grandmother died of Alzheimer's" ... I began to pack my bags for the guilt trip.

"Mother, you have no memory problems. Unless it's of the selective sort. You remember when I'm seeing you next, don't you?" To this she regurgitated the date ... the future date. "See?", I say. "Good night!" I hung up. No guilty feelings. She is crazy, truly she is. I think I've mentioned in the past that there are some entertaining stories about her involving all sorts of things including, but not limited to, my having a twin sister in outer space. Sigh ...

What are ya gonna do, ya know?


Anonymous said...

When I first moved away from home mom would call and wonder how I was, what I was doing and all that if I didnt call for a few days. They'd call the store I worked at if the didnt hear from me in over a week. Now they never call at all.


California Girl said...

My mom was someone who would call to just talk if she hadn't heard from me. Otherwise she would be out and about and I was the one who would eventually be leaving the voicemail. My dad is a go-getter and the last three times I have called him he was either visiting the City, at an art museum or traveling. Sheesh, he has a better life than I could ever imagine for myself! I am grateful that he just minds his own space and lets me have mine. But he is the bestest dad in the whole world and when we finally do connect we have a great time talking.

I have to say, though, that hearing about the twin in outer space would be fun... <: )

The CDM said...

I see your point big time, I empathize. What pisses me off is when you plan MONTHS in advance and the boss doesn't make out the schedule correctly on the said week and you loose your special time. Happened to me about 7-8 years ago and I still have a grudge against that asshole. However, I did play a pivotal role in his demotion not too soon after this incident. SHHHHHHHHH, don't tell anyone.