Thursday, January 24, 2008

My Stance

Okay, so the blogger that I mentioned a few days ago who has cancer posted DEMANDING that all of her lurkers comment. So I did. I was honest about the fact that I thought she was pathetic, etc. She didn't acknowledge my comment, but a couple of her fan club did. One was pretty diplomatic, the other says I'm mentally ill and blah-de-blah-blah, etc. SO ... let me now make known my stance on things.

1) The Earth is overpopulated. Cancer is just one of the many ways that nature is trying to control human population.

2) People who insist on popping out babies, in spite of the fact that there are millions of unwanted children available for adoption, are selfish, narcissistic fools who really want nothing more than to keep their genes alive ... a desperate attempt at immortality.

3) Yes, I have lost people close to me due to horrible diseases. However, as an advocate of Natural Selection, I believe they were meant to pass on. I am ANTI-chemo and other toxins we pump into our bodies to kill natural invaders.

4) Antidepressants are for the weak who can't deal with reality.

I'm sure there are more beliefs I hold close to my heart that piss others off, but they are my beliefs. If you don't like 'em too bad. You still have to share the same planet with me, just as I have to share it with you and your stupid ideas.


complain away said...

Can I add to #2? I know people who are so desperate to have their own biological children that they've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in IVF. For real?? Isn't the point of being a parent the actual parenting part, and not the "wow-that-small-child-has-the-same-nose-as-I-do" part?

As you mention, there are all those kids out there with nobody, no money and no hope. Not only are they missing out on possible adoptive parents, they're also missing out on all the money that those people are spending on fertility treatments, rather than doing some actual good in the world.

I hear all of your other points, but that one in particular makes me nuts.

The CDM said...

I'd like to add this, everybody is entitled to the opinion, isn't that what most countries fight for? Anyway, I lost my grandmother to cancer and I must say that I blame the selfish choice she made that led to it. Some people get it as a genetic profile issue, so what? If I get cancer genetic or by poor choice of habit, I don't want someone's pity. Shit happens, plain and simple.