Saturday, May 31, 2008

Home Sweet Closet

So this 58 year old homeless woman in Japan got creative as hell. One day while a man left for work and happened to forget to lock his door, she snuck in and set up residency in his closet! She lived there for a frickin' year!!! She only got caught once he noticed that food was disappearing from the kitchen. Sounds like she got a bit too comfortable, and careless. If only she hadn't taken so much food, this could've gone on longer!

The moral of this story is, believe your kids when they say there's something in the closet. There really may be!


Anonymous said...

Wow....I can't believe she managed to do that! Amazing!

Nobody is sleeping in any closet in my house. There is no way anyone would be able to get into them. As it is, you have to open the door really fast, grab what you need and then close the door before everything falls on you!

The CDM said...

First thing that popped into my brain when I read this a few days ago, "Man, that would make an interesting movie."

Whiner Girl said...

Kim - I hear ya. I have so much crap crammed into my closets, no way anyone's in there!

Mgr - Of course, the move must have a horror twist ... I demand it. Or at least some creepy suspense music to make me think I'm scared.