Saturday, January 19, 2008

Stupid Racists ...

Okay, so to kick of the National Western Stock Show in Colorado, they apparently have a Banquet to honor this year's Muckety Muck Who's Who. At this year's banquet a key note speaker (some self important business man from Greeley ... no name here because he sucks) felt that it would be appropriate to make a racial joke about Obama.

He said, in reference to The White House, and I quote ... "they're going to have to change the name of that building if Obama's elected." What an idiot!! The joke was not met with the laughter he expected. Rather, it was met with gasps and silence. He then said, "C'mon, that was funny. Umm, no it's not.

If you are so inclined to read about this dumb ass, you can check it out here.


The CDM said...

Granted, if you are in a certain profession, it's probably not a good idea to go racial. I will say this though, I personally am so sick of the uber sensitvity that is going around these days. I hear black people making cracks about white people all the time. To me if it's funny, regardless of race, I'm going to laugh at it. But as stated earlier, it may be a career killer for some. Only person that could get away with going racial regardless of where he was, was Don Rickles.

California Girl said...

I am amazed that in this day and age this idiot thought that would be funny. Be a racist - I don't care, but do not expect me to support your ideas, your viewpoints or any other idiotic thing you may say.