Sunday, April 12, 2009


My s/o pays alimony to her ex-husband. She pays him around $800.00 a month. This has been going on for five years. Last November was supposed to be her final payment to him ... we were stoked!! BUT ... he filed an appeal, and the court has made her continue to pay him until the court date. That date is April 20, 2009.

Yesterday he tried to have me served a subpoena. He may have been successful, I have no idea. Some man came to the house, we didn't answer the door, but he left the paperwork on the porch. I never touched it, left it out in the rain ... but, in all honesty, I probably am considered "served".

This is ridiculous!! I think after 5 years of payments, this should be over!!

This is the source of my stress and anger today.

1 comment:

MJ said...

She pays him alimony? He is pathetic! He is just trying to be an ass!