Saturday, June 28, 2008

I Think I Made the Wrong Choice

Okay, a bit of background info and scene sketching:

My neighbor who resides across the street is an asshole. I mean, he literally came banging on my door one day, screaming so close to my face that I could smell his putrid breath and feel his spittle hitting me. That whole ordeal was about a car that he thought was parked too near his property ... not on his property, just too close.

It was apparent to me that day that he has no problem terrorizing women. I am not easily manipulated, but when he did this it was terrifying! I just went auto-pilot and went to move the car. My instinct was to get this taken care of a.s.a.p. so that he would go away and I could retreat into my home. That fucking bastard really had me upset. THEN, to top it off, I got a call the next day saying he had complained that my dog had attacked him on several occasions and needed to be put down. That was my warning to keep my dog in check. (My dog NEVER did such a thing) When he did that, it felt as if he was making sure that I know that he is in control and will fuck with my life, if he deems it necessary.

He is married and I was relaying the whole story to my partner that I am sure he beats his wife. I mean, if he is comfortable enough to terrorize complete strangers, then I'm sure he's more than comfortable knocking around his wife behind closed doors. Makes sense, right? Hopefully this fully fills in the background info.

I live in a small mountain town that is commutable to a major metropolitan area. The road on which I reside is a dirt road and my neighbors houses are spaced out rather nicely. This is the woods, people. Sound carries out here ... one dog bark and it sounds sooooo loud. Anyway, hope the scene is sketched.


When I got home from work, as I was getting out of my car I could hear yelling. Angry yelling. The noise was coming from assholes house. I could hear crashing and screaming by both he and his wife. He was calling her every name in the book and berating her. She was crying and screaming about the "whys" and the "pleases" ... The normally long walk to my front door took an extra long time as I was eaves dropping, and debating in my mind about whether or not to call the cops.

I opted not to call the cops for two reasons ... 1) I am afraid of this man and feared he would know it was I who called the cops ... thus bringing retribution in the form of possibly poisoning my dog or calling the authorities about his "attacks" 2) I've known women in abusive situations, and until they are ready to leave, they usually deny the happenings to the police ... so, what was the point?

This morning I feel guilty about not calling. That, and I am angry at myself for allowing my fear of this man to stop me from doing what I believe is right. I truly believe I made the wrong choice. Next time I will call the cops ... I hope.


The CDM said...

I would have called the cops, big time. Next time he says some shit about your dog, make him prove it. Remind him that making such false allegations and having been harrassed is grounds for a lawsuit. Calling the cops would have been a great way to back up any problems you may have with him in the future as past calls to the cops show a propensity for violence on his part and thus, he loses credibility.

Fuck that piece of shit, don't be like his wife.

Whiner Girl said...

You are absolutely right ... and I think you put it in a way that will put a fire under my ass when you said, "don't be like his wife" ... thank you for giving me a virtual slap into reality.

California Girl said...

I can only imagine how upsetting that was and yeah, how scary this asshole is. I agree with cdm, but it sure takes a lot of stones to call the cops, especially when he beats his wife. Be strong. You can do it. And maybe next time I hear something like this I will be strong too.

The CDM said...

Understand this, it may be intimidating at first, but once he gets it that you aren't afraid of him, the less likely he'll follow through. These fuctards feed on fear and intimidation, cut off the source that feeds it and you kill off his power trip.

complain away said...

Argh. My stomach turned over more than once when I read this. I'm sorry you found yourself in this position. It always seems cut and dry when you read it after, but it never feels like an easy decision at the time.

The good and bad news is that if you've faced this with the asshole once, you likely will face it again. Next time you'll have thought through everything beforehand, right?

The CDM said...

Okay, enough of this shit! Get your ass back to posting!

Anonymous said...

Keep a hammer by the front door and the next time his punk ass comes a knocking cave his motherfather roof in WITHOUT HESITATION...try to get him to cross the threshhold first, ya dig? That way, when you have to take care of biness, you can tell 5-0 that the terroristic scumbag forced his way into your house and you put the hammer down by the front door because you were doing some handiwork around the house when he started his shit - I mean, thank God that hammer was there officer, no telling what he could have done to me if I had to wait for you to come and protect me.
Hammers get rid of people who mean to do you harm quicker than a gun...the perp will know you mean business when you start swinging that friendly piece of metal with the rubber handle at his HEAD.
